The 8 to 10 Club
Spontaneous Paddling
By Gina Lemieux
There’s something to be said for spontaneity! When the winds and currents are just right, it pays to have your paddling clothes ready to don to go meet South Island SUP and Mer Tales Ocean Journeys at the beach for a blissful morning SUP tour.

With less than 24 hours notice, we headed out on July 9 and July 13 with a great group of paddlers for a tour of the Cordova Bay and Cadboro Bay/Ten Mile Point coastlines.
The wind was only a breeze making for smooth, silky water to paddle through and to enjoy resting on the boards as they floated on their own. We were greeted at Cordova Bay by five harbour porpoise! No photos, so you will have to take our word for it!
Here’s to spontaneity and the 8-10am Club!